I piu' letti di questa settimana

XVI Wine Masters Challange 2014

Dear Madam / Dear Sir,
The organization of the XVI edition of the "Wine Masters Challenge 2014 - World Wine Contest" to be held in Estoril, 27, 28, 29,.30 March, advises that the closing date for registration expires on Februry  28, next year.
Please be advised to those interested in the registration as a participant member of the jury, registrations will only be accepted until the end of November of the current year.
The selected jury members will be informed of the terms that will have at their disposal directly.

Together we refer entry form and fee structure, the regulation can be foundon our website; http://www.winemasterschallenge.com  - registration@winemasterschallenge.com

Registration form |  Prices  |  Jury

Yours sincerely,

Antonio José da Silva
CEO of XVI Edition of Wine Masters Challenge 2014.
P.O.Box 1020 | 2776-810 Parede | Portugal 

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